Contract To Hire ServicesWe offer you Highly Reliable, Pre-Screened and Qualified Engineers as part of our Contract-to-Hire services.

CTH Services Based on Clear-Glass Engagement

Innovative Clear-Glass Engagement for CTH Services

We have established an innovative engagements model known as “Clear Glass Engagement” to setup and deliver services in a rapid manner and 100% transparent manner

Time-zone is not a constraint

We work for our client’s zone to ensure seamless integration with the broader team across various geographic locations. Whether it is part time, full time, it does not matter and our team will be there to achieve your project milestones.

POC Development and Proofing Services for Undecided Hiring Needs

Our team can help you to kick-start by performing proofing and systematic POC development in a shortest possible timeframe and costs especially when your hiring needs are not finalized.