Innovative BOT Based EngagementWe offer you highly reliable and effective BOT Engagement Offshore / Nearshore services based on an innovative engagement model to bring you timely and hassle-free services.

Build Own Operate and Transfer Services

Innovative "Clear Glass Engagement Model"

We have gained more than 5 years of experience in setting up number of remote ODC/NDC service centers based on BOT and Clear-Glass transparent model.

We have successfully able to setup an offshore delivery centre for services, resources and infrastructure  in a rapid and 100% transparent manner for several customers in in last 5 years.

CGE is an enhanced engagement model over traditionally known “Open Book Pricing” or “Cost Plus Pricing” models. Main differentiator being transparency, agility, and enduring value system.

Click here for CGEModel- Brochure

Clear Glass Engagement - Offering

We will help setup and operate the offshore solution centre that can contain :

  • Software Development & Verification Services
  • Operations and Managed Services
  • Facilities with flexible options
  • Technical Resources and support system
  • Administration & Compliance
  • “Build Operate Transfer” (BOT)


CGE - Uniqueness
  • Offshore solution centre with guaranteed :
    • Transparency
    • IP Protection
    • Complete Agility
  • Options for office and resource pool tapping at:
    • Metropolitan cities
    • Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities
    • Rapid enablement program for upskilling


CGE- Unmatched Value Proposition

Value addition to you through our optional support systems such as :

    • Non-Compete clause with your competitors
    • Transfer of complete setup with ease and cost effectively
    • Post transfer support for a predefined period for a marginal cost


CGE - Unmatched Cost Proposition

Cost will be limited to:

    • Actual incurred cost of chosen facility
    • Actual incurred cost of chosen resources
    • Actual incurred cost of chosen administration
    • Slab based fee which is inversely proportional to team size
    • Transfer fee structure agreed upfront


Full fledged ODC/NDC for your Organization Requirements.

Builing your ODC / NDC & Staffing

Our core competency is to build , run and transfer (if need be) the Offshore Deliver centers / Nearshore delivery centers. We will assist you identifying , recruiting, finalizing the Org Structure and setting up your ODC/NDC organization. Developing JDs, Compensation structure, Staff Policies and Procedure, Performance Appraisal scheme and process, Increment, Promotion, Bonus Rules, L&D Planning etc. shall be handled by our experts. Our staffing team shall conduct the recruitment drives on your behalf (if necessary ) to onboard the high quality resources in the any of the software technology stacks. 

Feasibility Study facilitation - For the BOT engagement

We will assist you to complete the ground work including feasibility study, complete scope, schedule, cost, communication, risks aspects for your project.

POC Development and Proofing Services

Our team can help you to kick-start by performing proofing and systematic POC development in a shortest possible timeframe and costs.  Post which you have the necessary data to take decisions appropriate for your business. 


Program Governance, Labor policies in accordance to the local Government compliance , Departmental Policies & Procedure, Functional SOPs and HR / Operational related documents shall be prepared  for the full fledged compliance.

Cost Management & Control

Cost management and control refers to the practice of identifying and reducing business expenses in order to increase profit. Monitoring critical cost components and ensuring none of them exceed the target Cost Revenue Ratios (CRR), identifying those which are not justifiable in terms of the benefits they bring in are key steps to be carried out as part of the cost review. Cost reduction can also be achieved through process improvement, automation, waste reduction etc. CMBC will be able to support you in identifying the controllable cost elements and in laying down the measures to be taken for bringing down such costs.

Zero Risk and Partial or Full Project Team Transfer / Acquisition

Risks could be relating to various aspects such as the Business operations, Commitments, Financial transactions, Ownership etc. With our model, we will ensure you will get Risk-free transfer of full or partial ODC/NDC at the predefined agreements.

Clear Glass Engagement – Case studies

Success Stories and Case Studies
  • Successfully setup and managing an offshore delivery centre in Bangalore for an American product company since Mar 2016. Offshore delivery centre consists of android mobile developers, verification team, mobile test-lab and involved in innovative product development in mobility space.
  • Successfully setup and managing an offshore delivery centre in Hyderabad for a UK based product company since Oct 2017 and involved in communications technology product development.
  • Successfully completed the full cycle BOT engagement for an APAC client involved in Big Data Analytics solutions.
  • Successfully completed the full cycle BOT engagements in providing IT automation solutions, Big Data Analytics solutions for an APAC clients.
  • Long term contract signed towards provisioning of IT infrastructure support system for a Bangalore based client based on CGE model.