Software Product Development ServicesWe offer you highly reliable and effective product development Offshore / Nearshore services based on an innovative engagement model to completely protect your IP, confidentiality, including no-compete clause agreements with your competitors.

Product Ideation and POC services

Product Ideation & Refinement

Ideation stage plays a significant role to the success of the product. It is better to  fail fast than at a later stage. We can help you to overcome with one of the biggest hurdles associated with the ideation stage. i.e having a clear idea of the problem to solve, and a clear vision of how the business/product will solve that problem. A critical review and refinement of the Idea and the proposed solution is paramount to the success of the product. Our experts can help you solve the challenges associated with product ideation. .

Feasibility Study facilitation–Marketing & Financial

With good academic/technical knowledge the right selection of technology for the product can be done. However, an extensive assessment of the product’s market and financial viability is important to ensure the success of the product.

POC Development and Proofing Services

Our team can help you to kick-start by performing proofing and systematic POC development in a shortest possible timeframe and costs. 

ODC/NDC for your Product Development

Builing your ODC / NDC & Staffing

Our core competency is to build , run and transfer (if need be) the Offshore Deliver centers / Nearshore delivery centers. We will assist you identifying , recruiting, finalizing the Org Structure and setting up your ODC/NDC organization. Developing JDs, Compensation structure, Staff Policies and Procedure, Performance Appraisal scheme and process, Increment, Promotion, Bonus Rules, L&D Planning etc. shall be handled by our experts. Our staffing team shall conduct the recruitment drives on your behalf (if necessary ) to onboard the high quality resources in the any of the software technology stacks. 


Program Governance, Labor policies in accordance to the local Government compliance , Departmental Policies & Procedure, Functional SOPs and HR / Operational related documents shall be prepared  for the full fledged compliance.

Cost Management & Control

Cost management and control refers to the practice of identifying and reducing business expenses in order to increase profit. Monitoring critical cost components and ensuring none of them exceed the target Cost Revenue Ratios (CRR), identifying those which are not justifiable in terms of the benefits they bring in are key steps to be carried out as part of the cost review. Cost reduction can also be achieved through process improvement, automation, waste reduction etc. CMBC will be able to support you in identifying the controllable cost elements and in laying down the measures to be taken for bringing down such costs.

Risk Management

Risks could be relating to various aspects such as the Business operations, Commitments, Financial transactions, Ownership etc. CMBC will be able to advise the Senior Management on Identification of risks and developing a Risk Mitigation Plan which are key to the success of your organization